Project Experience
Larson & Associates, Inc. provides high quality services, ranging from
environmental to industrial waste management. Service capabilities include:
Pilot units, Bench testing, Rental, Mobile Systems for recycling, Recovery and
volume reduction; Carbon absorption services, High pressure steam cleaning, Tank
cleaning and decommissioning. Our systems consist of a combination of mechanical
and physical steps, to phase separate and recover clarified liquids and high
compression solids.
From 1989 to 1995, we have been awarded multiple contracts for an AirTank Clean-Up
Force Waste Treatment Plant. Three (3) vessels each containing 30,000
pounds of clay and two (2) vessels each containing 20,000 pounds of
granular activated carbon was slurried out for disposal and virgin material
slurried in. The media was contaminated with heavy metals (trichloroethylene
and tetrachloroethane from a jet plane cleaning operation, including paint
stripping, degreasing and electroplating). The project was performed while
the treatment facility remained online.
A rocket fuel manufacturer needed to clean out (4) 20,000 gallon wastewaterGroundwater Extraction
holding tanks containing sodium chlorate, sodium perchlorate, lead oxides and
graphite. We performed pilot tests to analyze the possibility of a filter press
minimizing the amount of disposal. The job was successful and at lower cost
to our customer, since they were able to recycle the chlorates from the waste
tanks, we then washed the chlorates from the press cake. For four years, we
have provided this customer with equipment, personnel and expertise.
A leaking underground storage tank contaminated the ground water withOil Recovery
gasoline. An engineering firm provided installation of a vapor extraction unit
and catalytic oxidizer. Under the guidelines of a state fund, we subcontracted
for 2 years to ensure sampling, maintenance, operation and disposal of the
From 1993 - 1994, we were contracted to process oil coolant for oilFry Oil Filtration
recovery and reuse. Utilizing the filter press, we reduced the aluminum fines
from 20% to non-detect, trapping them in the filter cake for disposal and
clarifying the oil for reuse.
Potato food processors were filtering 3% of their fry oil; however, itPotable Water
reduced the quality of the product. We developed and introduced a new
automated filtering system, now used throughout the United States and
surrounding countries. This enabled our customers to filter a full stream,
producing a higher quality of fry oil and reducing the amount of waste oil.
Larson & Associates, Inc. designed and installed a filtration system toSampling
eliminate the EDB from the community water. The system consisted of a
prefiltration vessel containing 6 bags to filter any sediments or solids that may
be pumped from the water wells and a 20,000 pound carbon vessel, loaded
with 8 x 30 granulated activated carbon to provide adequate retention for non
detect levels. These vessels were placed online within 10 days after award of
the contract. Before winter we constructed a 23' building around the units to
prevent freezing.
In 1994, we were contracted to perform sampling of suspected leadIon Exchange
contamination of soil at a landfill. The original source of the suspected
contamination was improper disposal of waste remediated from an indoor
firing range that had recently been decommissioned. We designed a sampling
grid measuring 50' x 150', flagged 1 sq ft increments and took samples from
each grid position to establish the exact locations of contamination. Samples
were submitted and upon receipt of results, they were sent to our customer
who assumed further responsibility for the remediation of the contaminated
Larson & Associates was contracted to meet a DOE EPA time requirementPolishing Filtration
for a sump with mixed waste of ion exchange resin containing the following:
Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, Chromium (total), Chromium (hexavalent),
Chromium (TCLP), Xylene, 4-methyl-2- pentanone and ethylbenzene. We
pumped the sludge from the sump through the filter press and discharged
effluent to a holding tank to be evaporated. The dewatered sludge was
discharged into super sacks and stored for further analytical. The sump was
decommissioned (pressure washed and sampled per EPA requirements for
A contractor in Washington state was hired to remove 2,000,000 gallons of
wastewater from a containment pond and replace the liner. The effluent from
the centrifuge was not within their discharge requirements. Larson &
Associates was subcontracted to polish the extremely light PCB contaminated
algae to meet state discharge requirements, allowing our customer to
discharge into a local river.